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Collinsville Community Unit School District #10

Once a Kahok. Always a Kahok.

Special Education


Alison Underwood- Director of Special Education 
(618) 343-2762

Tara Glynn- Special Education Supervisor
(618) 343-2470

Collinsville Unit 10 Special Education provides support and services to over 1,100  students with disabilities. Our staff members include Special Education Teachers, Educational Assistants, Speech Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Social Workers, School Psychologists, Nurses, Adapted PE Teachers, Vision and Hearing Itinerants. Four building-level IEP Coordinators provide technical assistance to special and general education staff and administrators. 

  • CUSD 10 Special Olympics Athletes with Banner

Special Education Information





    Julie Murphy

    Early Childhood, Maryville, Renfro, Webster

    Karen Truran

    Caseyville, Summit, Kreitner, Twin Echo, 5th DIS grade

    Jaime Barger

    6th grade DIS, CMS

    Rob Lugge



  • A flowchart for requesting a special education evaluation for a student.

  • To request a 504 Plan for your student, please contact the building principal.

  • What is Homebound instruction? 

    Homebound Instruction is the Most Restrictive educational environment. Homebound Instruction is an out-of-school service for students who have a documented medical condition preventing them from participating in traditional classroom instruction. However, students are expected to attend school to the fullest extent possible.  

    Homebound services aim to keep the student current with classroom instruction during the standard school year and facilitate the Student's return to the current classroom setting. Homebound instruction is not intended to replace school services and is, by design, temporary. It is not a remediation service that gives students time to make up previously missed assignments.    

    Who qualifies for homebound instruction?  

    A student who is absent from school, or whose physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse anticipates that the student will be absent from school for two or more consecutive weeks or on an ongoing intermittent basis, because of a medical condition may be eligible for instruction in the student’s home or hospital.  

    How Can I Initiate the Process for my Student? 

    To establish eligibility for Homebound Instruction, the parent or guardian must contact Mrs. Glynn, the district homebound coordinator, at (618) 343-2740 to pick up a homebound application packet. This packet must be completed by the student's medical provider.  

    Homebound Instruction shall begin no later than five school days after all documents have been submitted and approved.  

    Roles and Responsibilities: Homebound Instructor  

    • Serves as the liaison between home and school 
    • Meet with the student during an agreed upon time. This should be on days school is in session unless otherwise agreed upon between family and instructor.
    • Provides 1 hours of instruction per school day weekly or not less than five hours per week
    • When scheduling sessions, homebound teachers take into consideration parent or guardian requests, but not all requests can be accommodated
    • Homebound services can be provided virtually or in-person 
    • Provide students with quality instruction and support 
    • Homebound Instructor will ensure assignments are turned in to classroom teachers upon completion 

    Roles and Responsibilities: Parents and/or Guardians 

    • Collaborate with the homebound Instructor to schedule days, times, and locations for sessions.
    • Notify the homebound instructor 24 hours in advance if the parent/guardian needs to cancel a session. 
    • Inform the school homebound coordinator if the Student's situation changes. 
    • Ensure the Student is ready for instruction at the agreed upon time 

    Roles and Responsibilities: Student 

    • Be prepared with materials for the instructional period at the scheduled times
    • Participate actively during instruction 
    • Communicate clearly with the instructor, parent, and school if applicable 
    • Complete assignments during the allotted time frame
    • Complete coursework outside of the time scheduled with a Homebound Teacher
    • Seek help or clarification when needed and as soon as possible 

    Roles and Responsibilities of the Classroom teacher- Teacher of record

    • Prepare classroom work for the homebound instructor weekly
    • Grade and enter grades as completed
    • Communicate with homebound instructor to explain and/or clarify assignments as needed 



    Students receiving instruction via Homebound are not permitted to participate in extracurricular activities, such as sporting events, clubs, school dances, etc, for the duration of their homebound placement absent, except in exceptional circumstances.