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Collinsville Community Unit School District #10

Once a Kahok. Always a Kahok.


The Student Services department is responsible for enrolling new students.  The Student Services office is located in the Collinsville CUSD 10 Administrative Annex at 123 W. Clay Street, Collinsville.  To best accommodate the number of people who need to conduct business with Student Services, in-person assistance is by appointment only.


Visitors are asked to limit those attending your appointment to TWO people per family.

Please note: The calendar uses Google. If you do not have or want to create a Google account, please call 618-346-6350 ext. 4237 or ext. 4228 to make an appointment. 

Two Options to Enroll a New Student

  • Families can enroll NEW STUDENTS TO THE DISTRICT ONLINE through Skyward Family Access. (Children must be at least five years old on or before September 1st to be enrolled in kindergarten.)

    If you do not already have a Skyward Family Access account:
    If you do not have a student attending school in the Collinsville Unit 10 School District, please request a temporary Skyward Login and Password by clicking New Student Enrollment: Account Request to sign up for an account and begin the enrollment process. Please note that a valid email address is required. If you do not have a valid email address, you may obtain a free one through Gmail, Yahoo mail or Outlook.

    If you currently have another student attending school in the Collinsville Unit 10 School District:
    Please use your Skyward Login to complete the New Student Online Enrollment (NSOE) Application.

    NOTE: Students who attended school in the Collinsville School District during the previous school year are not required to re-enroll in the school District. Students will be placed in their appropriate grade in the student’s elementary school attendance area based upon enrolled residence address or at the appropriate grade at DIS (5th /6th grade), CMS (7th /8th grade) or CHS (9-12 grade).


    Use the NSOE Online Enrollment Guide (English) OR NSOE Online Enrollment Guide (Spanish) for assistance.

    If your question is not answered within the guide, contact the Student Services Department at

    Required Documents:

    • Parent/Guardian Photo ID
    • Child’s OFFICIAL (certified or registered) Birth Certificate*
    • Parent/Guardian Proof of Residence within the CUSD 10 School Boundary (Evidence from Category I and Category II –  Proof of Residency requirements are posted below.

    Additional Documents to Provide if Applicable:

    • Parenting Plan/Court Order
    • Proof of guardianship (or completed Affidavit) if the child is living with an adult other than the legal guardian(s).
    • Foster Parent Placement Forms

    *You must present a certified or registered birth certificate for the student at the time of enrollment.  (Note: If a birth certificate is unavailable, the parent may present other reliable proof of the child’s identity and age that is supported by a sworn statement explaining why the birth certificate is not available (ie. Passport, Visa or other governmental documentation of a child’s identity).

  • Families can enroll students NEW to the Collinsville School District in-person at the CUSD 10 Student Services Office located at 123 West Clay Street. Enrollment hours are 8:00 am – 4:00 pm; the office is closed from 12 pm -1 pm for lunch.  For questions, please call 618-346-6350 and indicate you have a question about enrollment.  Click HERE to make an enrollment appointment.

    A parent/guardian must be present to complete the enrollment process.  Visitors are asked to limit those attending your appointment to TWO people per family.

    Required Documents:

    • Parent/Guardian Photo ID
    • Child’s OFFICIAL (certified or registered) Birth Certificate*
    • Parent/Guardian Proof of Residence within the CUSD 10 School Boundary (Evidence from Category I and Category II –  Proof of Residency requirements are posted below.

    Additional Documents to Provide if Applicable:

    • Parenting Plan/Court Order
    • Proof of guardianship (or completed Affidavit) if the child is living with an adult other than the legal guardian(s).
    • Foster Parent Placement Forms

    *You must present a certified or registered birth certificate for the student at the time of enrollment.  (Note: If a birth certificate is unavailable, the parent may present other reliable proof of the child’s identity and age that is supported by a sworn statement explaining why the birth certificate is not available (ie. Passport, Visa or other governmental documentation of a child’s identity).

Proof of Residency Requirements

You must present proof of residency within the District by providing the required number of documents from each of the following categories:

  • Category I (One document showing proper name and address is required)
    • Most recent residential property tax bill and proof of payment, e.g., canceled check or Form 1098 (homeowners)
    • Mortgage papers (homeowners)
      Signed and dated lease and proof of last month’s payment, e.g., canceled check or receipts (renters)
    • Letter from manager and proof of last month’s payment, e.g., canceled check or receipt (trailer park residents)
    • Letter of residence from landlord in lieu of lease (7:60-AP2, E1)
    • Letter of residence to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a District resident (7:60-AP2, E2)
  • Category II (Two documents showing proper name and address are required)
    • Current Illinois Driver’s license or temporary Illinois Driver’s license
    • Consular Identification card, Green card, Visa, U.S. Passport or current State Identification card
    • Current Vehicle registration
    • Current Voter registration
    • Most recent (within 60 days) utility bill, e.g., gas, electric, cable television, trash, water (No cell phones)
    • Current major credit card bill
    • Current public aid card
    • Current homeowners/renters insurance policy and premium payment receipt
    • Receipt for moving van rental

Anyone with a Custody Order Seeking to Enroll a Student:  Must present a court order, agreement, judgment, or decree that awards or gives custody of the student to any person (including divorce decrees awarding custody to one or both parents).

Non-Parent Seeking to Enroll a Student:  Must complete and sign Evidence of Non-Parent’s Custody, Control, and Responsibility of a Student form, Affidavit of Enrollment and Residency, along with District approval. (This must be completed on a yearly basis). School Board exhibit 7:60-AP2, E3

Annual Electronic Residence Verification

Collinsville Community Unit School District #10 works with a third-party vendor who uses a system called CLEAR Batch to automatically verify parent/guardian residency within the Collinsville CUSD10 boundaries. The CLEAR Batch system reviews public records to verify the parent/guardian name and address. Click for more information:  English OR Spanish.

The School District reserves the right to evaluate the evidence presented, and merely presenting the items listed in this procedure does not guarantee admission.

If a student is determined to be a nonresident of the District for whom tuition must be charged, the persons enrolling the student are liable for nonresident tuition from the date the student began attending a District school as a nonresident pursuant to Illinois School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-20.12a(a). A person who knowingly enrolls or attempts to enroll in this School District on a tuition-free basis a student known by that person to be a nonresident of the District is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, except in very limited situations as defined in State law (105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b(e). A person who knowingly or willfully presents to the School District any false information regarding the residency of a student for the purpose of enabling that student to attend any school in that District without the payment of a nonresident tuition charge is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor (105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b(f)