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CHS 2024 On-Site Admission Day Results in College Acceptance for 150 Seniors - Without Fees or Leaving the School!

Posted Date: 10/04/24 (2:41 PM)

This morning, 150 Collinsville High School seniors participated in the school's annual On-Site Admission Day to earn acceptance to multiple universities from throughout the region - without leaving CHS!

Nine universities sent representatives to CHS to meet 1:1 with interested students.  Admission fees were waived for all applicants.  

The 150 students earned a collective total of 1,350 offers and $40,500 saved in college application fees. 

The event is coordinated each year by the CHS Counseling Department. 

The 2024 Participating Schools Were:

  • University of Missouri St. Louis
  • Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • Southern Illinois University Carbondale
  • Murray State University
  • McKendree University
  • Missouri State University
  • Southeast Missouri State University
  • Eastern Illinois University
  • Western Illinois University

There are 150 happy students and proud families celebrating tonight! 

USE THIS LINK to view photos from the event.