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Collinsville Community Unit School District #10

Once a Kahok. Always a Kahok.

K-4 Standards-Based Report Cards

CUSD 10 uses a standards-based report card for kindergarten through fourth grade.


The purpose of a report card is to clearly, fairly and objectively communicate how a child is doing in school.

standards-based report card communicates specifically how a child is performing and which areas need improvement or attention.  All teachers in a specific grade level measure student learning against previously established criteria.  This is different from a traditional report card which gives a single letter grade for subject categories.

  • A standards-based report card puts the emphasis on learning, rather than on comparisons among students.
  • A standards-based report card provides information the teacher and parents can use to assist a child.
  • A standards-based report card separates academic performance from work habits and behaviors as well as personal characteristics.

We believe that all children can learn and succeed. The standards-based report card makes it easier for all students to know what success in school looks like and to focus on their learning needs.  The better information we have about student learning, the more targeted instruction can be.


Rubrics — guides listing specific criteria for grading or scoring — have been developed for K through Grade 4 in English/Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics.  There are also rubrics for Science and Social Science in Grades 3 and 4.  The rubrics differ by trimester.

The purpose of these rubrics is to assist students and parents in understanding specific learning expectations for students to be considered proficient at each grade level in each skill area.  These learning expectations may grow or increase as the school year progresses and more content/skills are introduced.

The rubric is a guide for parents to understand their child’s report card.  The available standards-based report card rubrics (criteria for each trimester) can be viewed on this page for each grade level.

A child’s progress can be monitored via Skyward family portal.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress.